Our spunky, opinionated, and hilarious girl is 3! Two was filled with so much change; she is now very much a little girl. She has stories to tell and opinions to give, both of which she's not shy to share. She can be quiet and observant when put in a new situation but once she warms up to a person or place, she is as happy as can be.
School has been so wonderful for Gabriella. She has a little place that is just hers now and has blossomed so much in just a few months. She adores her teachers and has a few "best friends" including Jacob, Tyler, Finley, Jack, and Natalie. We had them over for a small birthday celebration and listening to a group of 3 year olds talk is one of the funniest things in the world.
Gabriella's favorite things include arts and crafts, imaginary play with characters and dolls, and any sort of messy play (finger painting, splashing, bubbles, etc.). She's very much into princesses as well even though she's never watched a full Disney movie. (That being said, when I asked what she wanted to be for Halloween she said a Prince. And when I asked what she would wear she replied "Nothing. I will be a naked prince running down the road". Ahhh three year olds).
It took her a few months to really start enjoying her role as a big sister but now she is great. She can make Elliot laugh harder than anyone else and talks now about how she wants to share a room and a bunk bed with him like Peppa Pig does with her little brother.
We went through a rough patch over the summer with big tantrums and a lot of sleep problems. We weren't really sure what was going on and discussed possible developmental/ emotional things with our pediatrician. He gave us a lot of good guidance and tips on getting through that stage. He believed that the tantrums were actually being caused by some fine motor skill delays which were causing her to get really frustrated with herself. Giving her a little extra attention when we saw her getting worked up as well as giving positive reinforcement has really helped.
If I've learned anything over the past 3 years it's that every age and stage has it's ups and downs. I know 3 will bring it's fair share of challenges but I love how we can have conversations now and her stories and ideas can be so funny and great to hear. I can't wait to see what else this year brings!