Monday, September 7, 2015

Catch me if you can!

And she's on the move!!  Gabriella is officially a crawler. She is all over the place, usually bypassing all of her toys for remote controls, the fireplace, picture frames, and tables. The girl likes to live life on the wild side. After a few mini heart attacks and me saying, "Gianni! Our house is a death trap!", we've moved a lot of things, covered sharp edges, and made our house pretty baby proof. But, she is quick and every minute we discover new things that she can pull, grab, eat, break, and throw. It's a work in progress! We figure we'll be totally baby proof by the time she's 16.

This weekend we celebrated two first birthdays. The first was for Riley, another NICU baby. She was also born at exactly 26 weeks and 2 days gestation and also weighed 2 pounds 2 ounces. Riley's family was so kind to us and so supportive, especially during the first few traumatic and critical weeks. Seeing her turn one was so emotional! The second was for some of our best friends' daughter. We thought the girls would be almost 6 months apart not 6 weeks!  I can not believe that we will be celebrating a first birthday next month. Time truly flies by!

Gabriella is going through a sleeping transition. Up until about a week or two ago, she was very easy to put down for naps and for bed but now it's become a little more difficult. It takes her longer to settle down at night and she is going to bed a bit later. Nap times have also become a struggle. She was doing 2 90 minute naps a day but now it seems like she is slowly moving towards one nap a day. It seems so soon but several friends have told me that their kids moved to one nap a day around a year so we'll see what happens.

I hope everyone had a relaxing Labor Day weekend! I can't believe summer is (un)officially over!


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