"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart" - A.A.Milne
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Elliot's Baptism
We started our holiday weekend with Elliot's Baptism. I am the first to admit that we can do better with going to Church; at the end of the day it is simply being a little lazy that stops us from getting there on a more regular basis. But our faith is important to us and has continued to become even more important as we became parents. Elliot's Baptism was so special and I love the tradition of our sacraments. The priest that baptized both Gabriella and Elliot was the same priest that married us. He is a former golf buddy of my father in law and he is just a really nice, funny, and easy going man.
The weather has been kind of crummy recently so we were a little nervous if our outdoor party was going to happen. But luckily, the sun came out and it was a perfect, mid 70s day and everyone was able to be outside.
A huge thank you to our family that came to celebrate Elliot. It's a lot to ask to travel on a holiday weekend so please know that we loved having you here with us! Here are some pictures from his big day!
Monday, May 22, 2017
Elliot's Birth Story
I use blogging as a way to journal our life as parents; it goes by so quickly and I never want to forget these days! As I think back 8 weeks to Elliot's birth, it was exactly what I needed after a very traumatic and stressful delivery with Gabriella. His delivery was stress-free and wonderful. It is odd to describe labor and delivery as fun and wonderful but the doctor that delivered Elliot was there during Gabriella's birth and knew how tough that had been. She helped me have the delivery that she understood was important to me.
Flashback to late February and I was 35 weeks pregnant and had my final injection of the weekly progesterone I was taking to help prevent preterm labor. My doctor had told me that many women will go into labor a week or so after this final injection as the high levels of progesterone leave your body. On top of that, I had been 1-2cm dilated for weeks so I was prepared to deliver the first week of March. Well, the first week of March came and went. I went in for my next appointment and I was 6cm dilated and baby was head down and low. Again, we were all certain that baby boy was coming any day now. Two days later, nothing had changed and we were getting a massive blizzard. My OB's office called and had me come in the day before the storm to check my progress. Still, 6cm, and no changes. I was convinced that the blizzard was going to bring this baby and Gianni's fellow firefighters were so nervous that they kept the driveway plowed all day. Needless to say, the blizzard came and went and I was still very much pregnant. At my next appointment, my doctor decided that it was time to schedule an induction because I had been dilated for so long. Our induction was scheduled for Monday, March 27 at 2pm. I had big plans that we were going to have a relaxing weekend, a nice date night, and then head in to have a baby. Little did I know that Elliot had his own plans...
On Thursday the 23rd, I decided to bring Gabriella grocery shopping so that I could stock the house with snacks and easy meals for her while we were in the hospital. It was a sunny but chilly morning so I decided to drive to a grocery store about 40 minutes away from home. In retrospect, I probably should have stayed closer to home but it is a really nice store and I was looking for something to do that morning. I had a huge cart full of groceries and as I was paying, I thought my water broke. I realized that I was bleeding so I immediately called my doctor. They told me to head into the hospital because even though I wasn't having any contractions, labor was starting and they didn't know how fast it would go because Gabriella was incredibly fast.
At this point, I called Gianni and it went to his voicemail. Not odd because while his cellphone is work phone, he often keeps it on silent during meetings. So I started texting. Still no reply. This has since become a "one of these days we'll look back and laugh moment". What I didn't know was that his phone had failed to charge the night before so he left it at his desk charging while he went to an hour long meeting that morning. I then called his desk phone which links to his laptop. In the middle of a meeting, he sees on his laptop that I am calling. He quickly realized that something was going on and started calling me from a coworkers phone. Meanwhile, the texts I am sending him started out cute with all the baby emojis and transformed into not-as-cute ones :) But eventually it all was fine, I finally answered the calls from the foreign number after realizing that it was him. I headed home with all the groceries and Gabriella in the back saying, "Mommy is having our baby NOW" over and over (girl knows how to up the drama). All in all it was a pretty comical experience and soon we were on our way to the hospital!
We were admitted right away and the APRN on duty checked me and told me that my water had not broken but the placenta was starting to pull away so it was time to have a baby. Because I still wasn't having contractions, they were going to have to run pitocin but were hopeful that I would deliver quickly because I was already 6cm dilated. The rest of the evening was spent walking the hallway of labor and delivery. The pitocin was causing contractions that were a minute long and coming a minute apart. As the time approached midnight, they were so intense that I wasn't able to keep walking and they had to turn the pitocin down. They checked me and unfortunately all the walking didn't change anything and I was still 6cm. My doctor came in and she was so great; she knew my goal had been to have an epidural-free delivery but she was so afraid that because I wasn't progressing, I was going to get so exhausted that I wouldn't have the energy to push and would need a c-section. I agreed and they gave me an epidural around 1am. I will say that the epidural I got was perfect; it allowed the pitocin to stay at the highest dose but I was still able to feel the contractions and move my legs (they just felt like I had pins and needles!). Just after 3, they checked again and I was finally 10cm! My doctor, her resident, and our nurse were the only ones present. They were so relaxed and made us smile and laugh in between contractions. They were supportive and encouraging of Gianni. They kept me focused so that the pushing was really effective. Just before 5, I realized that my doctor was only on until 7 so I told her I was determined to deliver before 6. She started laughing and said that this baby was coming at 5! And then I will never forget as the three of them started smiling and saying that in just a few minutes I was going to actually get to hold my brand new baby. After not holding Gabriella for a couple of weeks, that was the best thing they could have told me. And then at 5:03am, our sweet boy was born. He had (and still has) a full head of dark hair and was 19" long and 7lbs 5oz.
His delivery was the perfect delivery for us. It was peaceful and simply wonderful. I will never forget the feeling of my baby in my arms and the look of pure joy on Gianni's face. I am forever grateful for this experience.
Flashback to late February and I was 35 weeks pregnant and had my final injection of the weekly progesterone I was taking to help prevent preterm labor. My doctor had told me that many women will go into labor a week or so after this final injection as the high levels of progesterone leave your body. On top of that, I had been 1-2cm dilated for weeks so I was prepared to deliver the first week of March. Well, the first week of March came and went. I went in for my next appointment and I was 6cm dilated and baby was head down and low. Again, we were all certain that baby boy was coming any day now. Two days later, nothing had changed and we were getting a massive blizzard. My OB's office called and had me come in the day before the storm to check my progress. Still, 6cm, and no changes. I was convinced that the blizzard was going to bring this baby and Gianni's fellow firefighters were so nervous that they kept the driveway plowed all day. Needless to say, the blizzard came and went and I was still very much pregnant. At my next appointment, my doctor decided that it was time to schedule an induction because I had been dilated for so long. Our induction was scheduled for Monday, March 27 at 2pm. I had big plans that we were going to have a relaxing weekend, a nice date night, and then head in to have a baby. Little did I know that Elliot had his own plans...
On Thursday the 23rd, I decided to bring Gabriella grocery shopping so that I could stock the house with snacks and easy meals for her while we were in the hospital. It was a sunny but chilly morning so I decided to drive to a grocery store about 40 minutes away from home. In retrospect, I probably should have stayed closer to home but it is a really nice store and I was looking for something to do that morning. I had a huge cart full of groceries and as I was paying, I thought my water broke. I realized that I was bleeding so I immediately called my doctor. They told me to head into the hospital because even though I wasn't having any contractions, labor was starting and they didn't know how fast it would go because Gabriella was incredibly fast.
At this point, I called Gianni and it went to his voicemail. Not odd because while his cellphone is work phone, he often keeps it on silent during meetings. So I started texting. Still no reply. This has since become a "one of these days we'll look back and laugh moment". What I didn't know was that his phone had failed to charge the night before so he left it at his desk charging while he went to an hour long meeting that morning. I then called his desk phone which links to his laptop. In the middle of a meeting, he sees on his laptop that I am calling. He quickly realized that something was going on and started calling me from a coworkers phone. Meanwhile, the texts I am sending him started out cute with all the baby emojis and transformed into not-as-cute ones :) But eventually it all was fine, I finally answered the calls from the foreign number after realizing that it was him. I headed home with all the groceries and Gabriella in the back saying, "Mommy is having our baby NOW" over and over (girl knows how to up the drama). All in all it was a pretty comical experience and soon we were on our way to the hospital!
We were admitted right away and the APRN on duty checked me and told me that my water had not broken but the placenta was starting to pull away so it was time to have a baby. Because I still wasn't having contractions, they were going to have to run pitocin but were hopeful that I would deliver quickly because I was already 6cm dilated. The rest of the evening was spent walking the hallway of labor and delivery. The pitocin was causing contractions that were a minute long and coming a minute apart. As the time approached midnight, they were so intense that I wasn't able to keep walking and they had to turn the pitocin down. They checked me and unfortunately all the walking didn't change anything and I was still 6cm. My doctor came in and she was so great; she knew my goal had been to have an epidural-free delivery but she was so afraid that because I wasn't progressing, I was going to get so exhausted that I wouldn't have the energy to push and would need a c-section. I agreed and they gave me an epidural around 1am. I will say that the epidural I got was perfect; it allowed the pitocin to stay at the highest dose but I was still able to feel the contractions and move my legs (they just felt like I had pins and needles!). Just after 3, they checked again and I was finally 10cm! My doctor, her resident, and our nurse were the only ones present. They were so relaxed and made us smile and laugh in between contractions. They were supportive and encouraging of Gianni. They kept me focused so that the pushing was really effective. Just before 5, I realized that my doctor was only on until 7 so I told her I was determined to deliver before 6. She started laughing and said that this baby was coming at 5! And then I will never forget as the three of them started smiling and saying that in just a few minutes I was going to actually get to hold my brand new baby. After not holding Gabriella for a couple of weeks, that was the best thing they could have told me. And then at 5:03am, our sweet boy was born. He had (and still has) a full head of dark hair and was 19" long and 7lbs 5oz.
His delivery was the perfect delivery for us. It was peaceful and simply wonderful. I will never forget the feeling of my baby in my arms and the look of pure joy on Gianni's face. I am forever grateful for this experience.
Friday, May 12, 2017
Five on Friday!
Happy Friday!
Writing about 5 little things that have happened during the week is one of the easiest ways for me to document what our life is like these days. So let's get right to it...
1. Smiles
Last week Elliot starting making little smiles that have turned into huge smiles this week. Gabby loves seeing him smile and thinks that he thinks that she is so funny! After a few weeks of intense evening time colic, these sweet smiles are a welcome treat. Elliot is 7 weeks old today (seriously where does time go???) and gets easier as the days go by. Part of me still can't believe we have 2 kids and another part feels like we've had 2 forever. And the never ending pile of laundry makes me feel like we have a small army living here! Seriously though, how does one small baby create 10x as much laundry????
2. Hair
Our children's hair makes me laugh so hard. First we have Gabriella who was bald forever and now has a crazy head of blond curls. She wakes up looking like a tornado went through her room.
She's had a few haircuts that I just wasn't thrilled with because they still left me not knowing what to do with her hair. Finally last week she got a cut that is adorable and easier to maintain! The curls are still there but the layering in the back makes it look a lot cleaner and in control.
And then we have Elliot. Born with a full head of hair that could have been put in a barrette if he was a girl. As he has gotten bigger, the hair has gotten even funnier. I swear we don't style it or make it do this; his locks have a mind of their own that make me smile every day. Eventually this baby mohawk will be gone and we will miss it!
3. Colic
One of, if not the hardest things that came with a new baby was an unexpected bout of colic. Gabriella had bouts of extreme crying after we brought her home but it was due to severe reflux from being intubated for so long. It was heartbreaking because she was actually in pain but once medication was figured out and working, she was great. With Elliot it was classic colic. It started when he was 3 weeks old and seemed to "turn off" almost a week ago (just around his 6 week birthday). The first two weeks of it were brutal; it would start around 6pm and he would cry and be basically inconsolable for hours. On the worst nights we would walk up and down our road which would distract him a little. Driving didn't help and he would frantically nurse every hour. The most frustrating thing was that he was the most laid back baby during the day and then the switch would flip in the evenings and he would be so different. It would stop anytime between 10-1am and he'd be back to "normal". Our pediatrician told us to hang in there until 6 weeks when it usually gets better which, knock on wood, it has. The book, The Happiest Baby on the Block, was also a great help. Elliot loves being swaddled and that combined with a white noise machine has really helped out. I'm happy to share any tips that worked for us if you are interested!
And the last two are shout outs to two great people...
4. Sandy's birthday
Wishing my sister Sandy a very, very happy birthday today! She has been my partner in crime since
'82 and I hope she has the very best day! I love watching our kids grow together and we have a blast every time we visit.
5. Mother's Day
And finally, a very happy Mother's day to all of you but especially to my mom. You truly don't appreciate everything your mom has done for you until you have kids of your own. So thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for us!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Writing about 5 little things that have happened during the week is one of the easiest ways for me to document what our life is like these days. So let's get right to it...
1. Smiles
Last week Elliot starting making little smiles that have turned into huge smiles this week. Gabby loves seeing him smile and thinks that he thinks that she is so funny! After a few weeks of intense evening time colic, these sweet smiles are a welcome treat. Elliot is 7 weeks old today (seriously where does time go???) and gets easier as the days go by. Part of me still can't believe we have 2 kids and another part feels like we've had 2 forever. And the never ending pile of laundry makes me feel like we have a small army living here! Seriously though, how does one small baby create 10x as much laundry????
2. Hair
Our children's hair makes me laugh so hard. First we have Gabriella who was bald forever and now has a crazy head of blond curls. She wakes up looking like a tornado went through her room.
She's had a few haircuts that I just wasn't thrilled with because they still left me not knowing what to do with her hair. Finally last week she got a cut that is adorable and easier to maintain! The curls are still there but the layering in the back makes it look a lot cleaner and in control.
And then we have Elliot. Born with a full head of hair that could have been put in a barrette if he was a girl. As he has gotten bigger, the hair has gotten even funnier. I swear we don't style it or make it do this; his locks have a mind of their own that make me smile every day. Eventually this baby mohawk will be gone and we will miss it!
3. Colic
One of, if not the hardest things that came with a new baby was an unexpected bout of colic. Gabriella had bouts of extreme crying after we brought her home but it was due to severe reflux from being intubated for so long. It was heartbreaking because she was actually in pain but once medication was figured out and working, she was great. With Elliot it was classic colic. It started when he was 3 weeks old and seemed to "turn off" almost a week ago (just around his 6 week birthday). The first two weeks of it were brutal; it would start around 6pm and he would cry and be basically inconsolable for hours. On the worst nights we would walk up and down our road which would distract him a little. Driving didn't help and he would frantically nurse every hour. The most frustrating thing was that he was the most laid back baby during the day and then the switch would flip in the evenings and he would be so different. It would stop anytime between 10-1am and he'd be back to "normal". Our pediatrician told us to hang in there until 6 weeks when it usually gets better which, knock on wood, it has. The book, The Happiest Baby on the Block, was also a great help. Elliot loves being swaddled and that combined with a white noise machine has really helped out. I'm happy to share any tips that worked for us if you are interested!
And the last two are shout outs to two great people...
4. Sandy's birthday
Wishing my sister Sandy a very, very happy birthday today! She has been my partner in crime since
'82 and I hope she has the very best day! I love watching our kids grow together and we have a blast every time we visit.
5. Mother's Day
And finally, a very happy Mother's day to all of you but especially to my mom. You truly don't appreciate everything your mom has done for you until you have kids of your own. So thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for us!
From last year.... why don't I have any updated photos??? |
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Life since October...
Hello friends!
It has been a very long time since I last updated my blog. There are a million different reasons why but the biggest was time combined with feeling like I was in a rut with writing about our lives. But I love documenting what life is like; time truly does fly with kids and it is so nice to be able to look back!
The biggest thing that has happened since October is this little guy....
We welcomed Elliot on March 24 at 5:03am. He weighed in at a hefty (compared to his sister!!) 7lbs 5oz and was 19" long. He is now 6 1/2 weeks old and is pushing 10lbs. His personality is growing just as fast as he is and Gabriella is really enjoying being a big sister now. It definitely took a few weeks of adjustment and we certainly still have our meltdown moments, but every day gets easier and I love watching her with him.
I plan on doing posts about Elliot's birth, Gabriella updates, and other life tidbits soon! I hope that this finds you well and as always, thanks for following along!
It has been a very long time since I last updated my blog. There are a million different reasons why but the biggest was time combined with feeling like I was in a rut with writing about our lives. But I love documenting what life is like; time truly does fly with kids and it is so nice to be able to look back!
The biggest thing that has happened since October is this little guy....
We welcomed Elliot on March 24 at 5:03am. He weighed in at a hefty (compared to his sister!!) 7lbs 5oz and was 19" long. He is now 6 1/2 weeks old and is pushing 10lbs. His personality is growing just as fast as he is and Gabriella is really enjoying being a big sister now. It definitely took a few weeks of adjustment and we certainly still have our meltdown moments, but every day gets easier and I love watching her with him.
Meeting Elliot at the hospital |
True love |
I plan on doing posts about Elliot's birth, Gabriella updates, and other life tidbits soon! I hope that this finds you well and as always, thanks for following along!
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