Sunday, April 29, 2018

2018 March for Babies

Today we were proud to take part in the March of Dimes Annual March for Babies. The cause is near and dear to our hearts and we thank everyone who made a donation in Gabriella's name. Our NICU experience changed us forever and is a huge part of who we are as parents and as a family.

The weather wasn't great but so many people still came out for a wonderful event. This year Gabriella took part in the Superhero dash, which is a short run for the kids. It was adorable and she rocked her cape. We were given purple leis because we are micropreemie parents and I started crying the minute we arrived and didn't stop until halfway through the walk :) Seeing so many families that had been through similar journeys as ours is so emotional. I still can't believe how far she's come and how much she went through. When she's being a three year old and driving me bonkers, I try and remind myself that it is that fight and determination that helped her survive. Our favorite superhero :)

It was a wonderful but rainy day for a great cause! Thank you for all who supported us!!

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