Wednesday, June 17, 2015

8 months old!

Yesterday marked Gabriella's 8 month birthday! Time is flying by and our little baby is getting bigger each week and is constantly learning new things.

And as always, a look back on how much she's grown!

Month 7 brought hair, chubby thighs, rolling over, sitting for short periods of time, and a big personality!  When Gabriella doesn't want to do something, she makes it known....
No, I do not want to pose for a photo

I would like to throw this toy at you and your camera

No, do not change me

No, I don't like this sailor dress

But, along with these moments came a lot of laughs. Gabriella can be so silly, laughing so much more now, making silly faces and giving us the best smiles. She babbles away, yelling at times, and now enjoys the ever popular game of "I will throw all of my toys on the ground and yell until Mom or Dad picks them up."

She is eating 3 meals a day and 4 6-7 ounce bottles a day. For breakfast she typically has oatmeal and fruit, lunch she has yogurt and fruit/vegetable, and dinner she has a few vegetables and sometimes some oatmeal. Her food is still pureed but we will see if she can handle a bit more texture this month.

This month she loves:
-Food! She watches people eat and tries to hit and grab plates
-Faces, especially if she can grab hold of your nose, ears, or lips. And if you are a man with a beard, watch out!
-Hair. Or more accurately, taking hold of chunks of hair and pulling as hard as she can. She gave her Grampy a small bald spot today with her killer pull. Gianni's arm hair has also been victim to her claws.
-Rolling over. Last night she was up for almost 2 hours, rolling around in her crib and then yelling out for help when she got "stuck" in a corner.
-Animals. She absolutely loves animals and the animals that don't mind when she grabs their hair are even better!

Every week brings a new adventure with this little girl and we love it! Having a baby truly is a wild ride, they keep you on your toes and just when you think you have them all figured out, everything changes!


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