Monday, June 1, 2015

Sleep, swinging, and new tricks

For the past few nights, this has been the scene in our house from about 4am-7am. Gabriella has entered a phase where she wakes up around 4 and will not go back to sleep in her crib. But of course, will sleep for a few more hours in our bed. Sigh. Every evening I tell myself that I will be stronger and firmer and when she wakes up, I will rock her and then put her back in her bed. And continue to soothe her as needed but ultimately keep her in her own bed. And then 4am comes around, we are exhausted and my big plans for staying strong go out the window for a few more hours of sleep. One of these nights I will stick to my plan but until then, we'll spend the early morning hours getting side-kicked and punched by a baby making "snow angels" in the middle. 

We finally put up Gabriella's swing in the back yard and she loves it! My dad also got her a baby pool to soak in during the hot days and she is a big fan of that as well. I haven't taken any photos of the baby pool but I will during the next hot day.

Gabriella's latest baby trick is turning on her aquarium with her hands. She turns herself around in her crib and reaches up to turn it on. Watching her figure things out is truly amazing and can entertain us for hours!

June is always a busy month and this year is no different. We have a fun-filled month ahead with lots of birthdays (Gianni's included!), Sandy's baby shower, our niece's graduation, and a bunch of other activities. It will fly by, I'm sure!

Have a good week!

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