Wednesday, October 28, 2015

More October Fun

Ever since Gabriella's birthday, October has just flown by. Life has been busy but fun; we started a new music class at one of the area private schools and Gabriella seems to like it.
Although I think she probably likes going anywhere with music and other babies! We also discovered a free play group at an area farm. This one is for kids of all ages so it's nice to be able to get out and meet up with some other moms. For local friends, both activities are free(!!!)- the music class is at the Master's School on Mondays (downside is that it starts at 8:45am which is hard for moms with older kids) and the play group is at Holcomb Farm in Granby on Wednesdays at 9:30am. The Holcomb Farm program is great for the 2-5 year olds... they have free snacks, arts and crafts, and TONS of toys. They are well organized and have different areas set up with everything from dress up clothes to trucks to puzzles. Gabriella had a blast crawling and trying to grab the younger babies and then moved on to stealing toys from the older kids. Needless to say that didn't leave her the most popular kid in class but I came home with a tired, happy baby so it was a success in my books :)

Discovered her shadow and was entertained for a long time!

Hurricane Gabriella.... turn your back for a second and look what happens

Turns out being pulled around the house in a diaper box is the BEST.THING.EVER. when you are 1.

Loving her new bike!
We are really looking forward to Halloween on Saturday. It's not Gabriella's first Halloween but last year doesn't count so we are excited to dress her up and bring her around to our family and friends. If you are around, expect a cute and cuddly lion to show up on your doorstep!!


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