Wednesday, September 21, 2016

This time around

I am in the first weeks of my second trimester and this pregnancy has been very different than when I was pregnant with Gabriella. With Gabriella, I was sick through the entire first trimester; I also had a sub-chorionic hemorrhage which led to countless emergency exams, time spent off my feet, and a lot of worry. Compared to all of that, this first trimester has been a breeze. I had very little nausea and the small amount that I did seemed to peak around week 8 and then fade away. My biggest complaint has been that I feel exhausted! Obviously I have a toddler this time around but I also am waking up a lot more frequently through the night and waking up really early in the mornings. You can find me dozing on the couch by 9 most nights! 

I have no idea if these differences mean that this baby is a boy or if it's simply a different, and perhaps healthier, pregnancy. Entering the second trimester was definitely emotional; I never made it past the end of the second trimester with Gabriella so I have had moments of feeling scared. We had our first appointment with the high risk specialists at Maternal-Fetal Medicine and as they talked to us about their thoughts and plans to give me the best chance for a full term pregnancy, the realization that this isn't a "normal" pregnancy hit. They are certainly optimistic and the baby is growing perfectly, however they are cautious and taking extra precautions with me. In 3 weeks I will be seen weekly until the baby is born. We feel very comfortable with our team and agree with the plan. It's comforting to know that we have a lot of different eyes on me, but nerve wracking nonetheless. 

For now, I am enjoying feeling good and focusing on how much better I feel this time around. We continue to be optimistic that this little one will stay put!! 


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