Monday, October 10, 2016

Pumpkin season

'Tis the season for pumpkins and we joined the crowds on Saturday at the pumpkin patch. We went to the Pickin' Patch, a popular farm in Avon. They offer free hay rides out to the fields but because it was drizzling, we opted to skip that part. Gabriella just wanted to hold all the pumpkins she could fit in her arms so was thrilled when she discovered the mini ones.

On Sunday we took a road trip to Massachusetts to one of my cousin's houses for a football party. It was fun to see lots of relatives and enjoy good food. I didn't take any pictures there but my cousin took a cute one of me, Dad, and Gabriella.

I can not believe that in less than a week we will have a 2 year old!!! Where does the time go??? Have a great Monday!


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