Monday, March 30, 2015

Just another gray hair...

The other night we had a bit of a scare with Gabriella.  On Thursday night, she woke up just before midnight, crying.  When I went into her room, she began making a deep, loud, grunting noise, arched her back, and began grabbing at me. We were rubbing her back, holding her and trying to calm her down. It lasted about 5 minutes and as fast as it started, it stopped and she was peaceful and sleeping. We thought that she had had a seizure.  We spoke to the emergency after hours doctor on call, and were told to keep an eye on her, but as long as she was breathing normally, we could keep her at home and go into the office in the morning.

She was completely fine the rest of the night and in the morning was as happy as could be. We brought her into our pediatrician and after examining her and listening to our description of what happened, he told us that he was very certain that it was not a seizure but a severe bout of reflux that caused her pain and took her breath away.  He told us that while grunting noises can and often do happen during infant seizures, babies will shake and then will become unresponsive and catatonic. We adjusted her dose of her medication for reflux and he suggested that we raise the head of her crib so that she sleeps on a slight incline. He told us that we can do that with a simple  trick of placing textbooks under the legs of the crib at the head of the bed or purchase a crib wedge mattress piece. We found the wedge at Babys-R-Us and she has been sleeping so much better and seems much more comfortable.

Even though we have a few more gray hairs, Gabriella is healthy and happy!
Gabriella has been showing signs that she is interested in sitting up more so this weekend we bought her an exercise jumper and even though she needs a little bit of cushioning around her and a pillow on the floor to rest her feet, she loves it. It is so good for strengthening her neck muscles.  We also pulled up a convertible high chair from the basement.  The chair reclines so that she won't fall forward but allows her to be at counter level in the kitchen. The big food tray removes and there is a smaller blue play tray that we can attach her links to. Over the next couple of months we can recline it less and less and get her ready to start cereals and foods.
Sitting like a big girl

Practicing with the food tray

Loving her bouncer

Making sure the ceiling fan is still there :)

This week we are preparing to host Easter brunch at our house and have a few playdates scheduled. Gianni has a crazy week of work ahead of him so it will be really nice to spend the holiday weekend with family and friends. For the very first time, Gabriella will be with all of her aunts, uncles, and cousins all at once (plus her newest fur-cousin, Rosie).

Have a good Monday!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Developmental update {goals reached!}

Yesterday we had Birth to Three and we are so proud and happy to say that Gabriella has reached every single 3 month old goal! We are now working towards helping her reach milestones that a 6 month old would be able to do. She is really closing the gap and I am so thankful for all of the things that our PT has taught us.  We have a few things that we are working on for our homework over the next two weeks. 

The first goal we are working towards is having Gabriella pick up a toy or object and look at it.  Right now she can pick up and hold an object and will look at objects but not specifically look at what she is holding.  In order to encourage her to do this, we are placing things in her hands and bringing her hands into her line of vision.  We are starting with our fingers and then will use her little toy links.

The second thing we are working on is helping her get into position to eventually start crawling. Right now, when she is on her stomach, her legs will go up in the air instead of tucking up under her bottom.  To encourage this, when she is on her stomach, we place our hand on her bum and apply light pressure.  When we do this, her legs lower to the floor and she starts to bend her knees up. Her head rises and she starts to bring her hands inwards. It is things like this that I love; simple things we can do to help her muscles learn to move.

The third piece of homework we are working on is to continue to strengthen her neck muscles. As we hold her on our laps in a sitting position, we rock her slowly from side to side, pausing to allow her to fight gravity and straighten her head. She is pretty good at this but more practice will get her ready to start sitting up with less support.

She has also outgrown nearly all of her 0-3 month clothes! Mostly due to length but it is wild how many things I pack up daily.  I think she actually grows overnight because so many times I will put something on her that I swear she just wore a couple of days earlier only to find that it is too short, tight, etc. 

And some cute photos...

Last day in these pants... way too tight!

Rainy days are perfect for flamingo shirts!

Waking up full of smiles!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

10 pound baby!

The baby weighs 10 pounds!  I brought Gabriella to our pediatrician's office yesterday for her last Synagis vaccine and she weighs 10lbs 3oz.  I am so happy that she is growing so well and it made me laugh when the nurse said, "Double digits! She'll be a double digit weight for the next 9-12 years!". We spent the rest of the day laying low and Gabby spent the day in her jammies because the vaccine left her feeling a little under the weather.  She wasn't running a low grade fever or anything, just was a bit fussy and wanted to be held and worn in the solly wrap more than usual. A day of snuggles is fine with me but we didn't get much more done!

She has continued to sleep in her crib and is a much happier baby, especially first thing in the morning.  She is full of smiles and her awake, playful times are a lot longer now. I am certain that she is sleeping better and more soundly.  I love going into her room when she wakes up because she gives the biggest smiles. They melt my heart every day!

The kick piano continues to be a favorite around here. I've been warned that babies eventually get sick of it, but for now it brings her(and us) tons of entertainment. She is kicking like crazy and she is also reaching up and grabbing the hanging toys. We've continued to work on tummy time and I have noticed that her neck control is getting even better. We have birth to three tomorrow so we'll get some more "homework" to practice.

Today I made lactation cookies- also known around here as the best cookies ever.  Basically they are cookies that are full of ingredients that supposedly increase milk supply.  Not sure if they work or not, but they are really, really good! We didn't have any chocolate chips in the house but we did have one of those giant Hershey kisses so I grated that up instead.  I think they are better with the chocolate chips but this batch is still good.

Lactation Cookies

2 Tbsp Flax Seed meal
1/4 c. water
1 c. butter, softened
1 c. sugar
1/2 c. brown sugar
3 egg yolks
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
2 c. flour
1/4 c brewer's yeast
1 Tbsp wheat germ
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
2 1/2 c. old fashioned oats
1/2 c. sweetened shredded coconut (optional)
1 c. chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 375. Mix flax seed meal and water and let sit for 5 minutes. Beat butter, sugar and brown sugar until fluffy. Add egg yolks and vanilla. Combine flour, brewer's yeast, wheat  germ, baking soda, salt, and cream of tartar and slowly add to butter mixture. Stir in oats and chocolate chips. Bake cookies for about 10-14 minutes or until lightly browned.   

Tomorrow we have birth to three and then a music class at the library with some of our best friends!  Should be entertaining!!


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Happy Saturday!

We've had a nice few days here- Gabriella slept in her room last night and woke up refreshed and happy! I think the crib is probably much more comfortable than the pack-and-play so I am hoping that her good sleeping at night continues. She doesn't have a regular routine yet but we are slowly getting there.  We are working on more defined naps during the day, but right now she still "cat naps" throughout the day.  She will often fall asleep for 20-30 minutes at a time in her swing or while in our wrap. But at night she is doing a lot better, sleeping for 12 hours, waking up twice to eat. We'll get a daytime routine down pat eventually!

We are officially done getting visits from the visting nurses! After getting discharged from the NICU, VNA services were set up so that Gabriella would have more frequent weight checks. After her last well-baby appointment, our pediatrician was really happy with her weight and said that we could be "discharged" from the VNA! Another step forward for our preemie.  She will also get her last Synagis vaccine (the vaccine given to preemies and immuno-compromised children) on Monday.  She received that vaccine every month during RSV season and April marks the end. The vaccine is ridiculously expensive but worth it to help prevent a really terrible virus.

It is truly amazing to see just how much Gabriella learns, observes, and remembers every day. She recognizes familiar people, remembers her toys, and is constantly studying her surroundings. She loves music and will sit on Gianni's lap and listen to drummers with him and wave her hands around. She still loves being "worn" and some of our best friends gave us a solly wrap which is lighter weight than the moby wrap and we are big fans.

Gianni is running in his first race of the year today- the Holyoke St.Patrick's Day 10K. We are so proud of him- he started running last year and had trained all  year for the Hartford 1/2 marathon but was unable to run because someone decided to be born a bit early :).  But he picked it back up again this year and has a race scheduled nearly every month for this year, leading up to the Hartford 1/2 marathon this fall. Gabriella and I didn't go watch him because it is snowing today but I am already looking forward to his spring races so we can go cheer him on!

Have a wonderful weekend and happy first day of Spring (from snowy Simsbury!)!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Favorite toy and silly faces

Best. Toy. Ever. Gabriella and her new kick piano are so funny- she is so happy when she's kicking it and I was laughing so hard at how much she loves it!

Notice the cat in the background... over the past week, Leila has become OBSESSED with Gabriella. She is always hovering nearby. She sits on the bathroom counter during Gabriella's bathtime, she likes to hide under the crib during playtime, and jumps in the pack and play or crib (don't worry, they are never alone!) While the cat can be annoying at times, it is really nice to see her out and acting playful again. She had a rough few months as well, with Chloe passing, and then us not being home as much when the baby was in the hospital.

"She's taking up too much space, Mom"
Look closely...

Gabriella has also started making some silly faces and has become so vocal.  I am thinking that baby giggles are going to happen soon!
Morning smiles

Best smirk

The most ridiculous (AKA best) faux fur jacket from her Uncle T-Mac and Aunt Sandy

Wish I could read her mind!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Monday, March 16, 2015

5 months old!

Gabriella is 5 months old today! I can't believe how much she has grown!

Looking back....

Her 5 month details:

-She is 22 inches long, and weighs 9lbs 10oz
-She eats 4oz every 4 hours
-She sleeps much better at night, only waking up once during the night

-Bath time
-Faces (she is definitely recognizing familiar people!)
-Pulling hair
-Copying Gianni's noises and facial expressions
-Her swing
-Rides in the car or stroller

-Yelling and cooing

Each day her personality seems to come out more and more.  It is so fun to watch her learn new things, study us, and develop. She had fun this weekend "playing" with one of her best friends (especially cute because we put them in matching onesies), and visiting with her grandparents. This week we are planning on getting lots of walks in as well as a couple of trips to the library. Here's a bunch of photos from the past day or two- enjoy!

Early morning snuggles with Dad

Holding her bottle for the first time
Have a good Monday!