Friday, March 13, 2015

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday! Gabriella had a weight check today and she is a whopping 9lbs 10oz!!!  Her pediatrician is thrilled with her weight gain and her development. She is holding her head up, tracking with her eyes, smiling, cooing, and hitting objects. We are so proud!

This weekend we are going to have our annual corned beef cook-off with some of our best friends (who also have a baby girl). It is always fun to get together and the girls will both be wearing their St. Patrick's Day best so it will be adorable!

Getting ready for nap time

She's had enough photos- cue the grumpy face!

Enjoying the spring-like weather!

Have a good weekend- our little peanut turns 5 months old next week!!!


1 comment:

  1. So proud of you baby girl. You amaze me every day!
    Love always,
