Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Favorite toy and silly faces

Best. Toy. Ever. Gabriella and her new kick piano are so funny- she is so happy when she's kicking it and I was laughing so hard at how much she loves it!

Notice the cat in the background... over the past week, Leila has become OBSESSED with Gabriella. She is always hovering nearby. She sits on the bathroom counter during Gabriella's bathtime, she likes to hide under the crib during playtime, and jumps in the pack and play or crib (don't worry, they are never alone!) While the cat can be annoying at times, it is really nice to see her out and acting playful again. She had a rough few months as well, with Chloe passing, and then us not being home as much when the baby was in the hospital.

"She's taking up too much space, Mom"
Look closely...

Gabriella has also started making some silly faces and has become so vocal.  I am thinking that baby giggles are going to happen soon!
Morning smiles

Best smirk

The most ridiculous (AKA best) faux fur jacket from her Uncle T-Mac and Aunt Sandy

Wish I could read her mind!

Happy Wednesday!

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