Thursday, March 12, 2015

It takes a village

I saw a link on facebook today for a blood drive that a Connecticut firefighter and his family are hosting in honor of their twins who were born at 29 weeks.  It got me thinking about all of the people that helped and supported us through Gabriella's NICU stay. Beyond the amazing support system we had in our family and friends, we were supported by people who don't know us, and some that will never know that it was us that they helped. 

Gabriella needed 2 separate blood transfusions during her first weeks of life. Most micropreemies do- one of her doctors had told us that it wasn't a matter of if, but when she was going to require transfusions. Even though Gianni is a match to Gabriella, it is actually safer for preemies to receive donor blood that familial blood to avoid graft-versus-host disease which is when the parent's white blood cells attack the baby's tissues. I know many of our family members and friends have donated blood in the past and many do so on a regular basis.  To you, I say thank you. If you are someone that is able to donate blood and has never done so, please consider it.
Before transfusion

After transfusions- looking a bit healthier!

Gabriella also received donor milk during her first few days of life before my milk came in. I wrote about pumping and the importance of human milk for preemies in a past post, but the importance of donor milk is something that many people overlook. I know of at least one person in my life who has donated milk when she realized that she was producing more than her babies needed.  Providing donor milk is quickly becoming a best practice in NICUs across the country. If you or someone you know has a supply of frozen milk that their baby is not using, consider donating it!  Check out for more information!

We also received gifts from  both the March of Dimes and the Tiny Miracles Foundation. The March of Dimes gave us a baby book that is specific for preemies as well as gift bags with snacks, a journal, gift certificates, and blankets. The Tiny Miracles Foundation (which is a Connecticut organization) sent us a box filled with preemie-sized clothing, blankets, and a wealth of information and resources. Both of these organizations run on donations alone so to anyone out there who has ever donated to these great non-profits, thank you! Local donors to CCMC also allowed the hospital to give us hats, blankets, and a visit from Santa (best NICU day!).
Gabriella meeting Santa Claus

Box of gifts from the Tiny Miracles Foundation

Baby book written specifically for NICU babies

Thank you to everyone who donates their time, money, blood, milk, anything! It made a difference in our lives and inspires us to find ways to pay it forward.
Happy baby mimicking Dad


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