Monday, April 20, 2015

First foods

Gabriella's introduction to foods has been successful! We started last week with pureed sweet potatoes, then tried pureed butternut squash and multigrain cereal. She was a little unsure the first time we fed her, but now she loves it all. This morning she had the cereal for the first time, and it was clear that it is her favorite so far. She was waving her hands, kicking her feet, and happy as can be. We are trying new foods every 2-3 days so later this week we will be trying avocados, pears, and apples. I am so excited to continue to introduce her to new things. Meal time is a complete mess now, we are flying through bibs and I am definitely missing Chloe.. she would have seriously helped with licking up the floor!!

We learned after the first feed that we had to make her purees much thinner so I added more milk or pear juice and that has made it so much easier for her to eat. She has the spoon down pat now and this morning tried to help out and grab the spoon a few times.

Happy meal time face

Eating the remains of her dinner off of her hands

Happy first food faces!
On Saturday, my college roommate and dear friend Sandy came to visit with her girls. It was so nice to see her and her girls are hilarious, adorable and I am in love. And because I know she reads this blog- we miss you already!!! 

Gianni did a ton of yardwork this weekend, we had a fun night out on Saturday with some friends, and the weather made it feel like spring is actually here.  We have some fun events coming up in the next few weeks- next Sunday we are doing the March of Dimes Walk for Babies, in May we have Gabriella's baptism, we have a huge number of family and friends with May and June birthdays, we are having a baby shower for my sister Sandy, and then we look forward to welcoming Gabriella's newest cousin to the world! Lots to look forward to.

For now, we will make the best of a week of cold, rainy weather and continue to work on getting a certain baby to nap!


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