Monday, April 13, 2015

Spring is here!

Spring is finally here!!  And hopefully here to stay.  The past few days have been absolutely perfect and it has been so nice to be outside, enjoying the sunshine. Gabriella has been a lot of fun- she has loved being out in her stroller and took a little nap outside on a blanket yesterday. I also realized that it is so much easier to dress a baby in warmer weather than it is in the winter! 

Gabriella is growing like crazy! I swear, she wakes up in the morning bigger than she was when she went to sleep. I am sure she is going through a growth spurt because she is back to eating every 3 hours during the day and she has started waking up at 4 in the morning to eat, which she hasn't done in awhile. She is up to 5 ounces (sometimes 5 1/2!) which still blows my mind. I am thinking we will be given the green light to start cereal soon! Our pediatrician had us start her on an ounce of pear juice 1-2 times a day to help with some tummy troubles and she absolutely loves it. I am putting it in a sippy cup and she does well with it. It is a first-step sippy cup so she still has to suck on the spout, but it is a great starter cup.

Napping outside

Too cool :)

Such a big girl

Have a good week!

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