Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Mid-week Ramblings

We had another Birth to Three session today and we are focusing on core and abdominal exercises so that Gabriella will be able to sit up unassisted and roll over from both front to back and back to front. Over the past two weeks she has learned to intentionally hit or pick up an object and bring it to her mouth to chew on. She is also looking back and forth from object to object or person to person. We have some homework to do to continue strengthening her core and get her closer to her 6 month goals!

Exhausted after physical therapy
This week Gabriella has also started sleeping through the night!  She sleeps on average for 9 hours! Now, nap times during the day aren't great at all, but having her sleep all night is wonderful. She wakes up happy and rested and is so fun to play with in the mornings. Because she is anti-napping and will only go down for about 30 minutes or so in the morning and then another 30 minutes in the afternoon, by late afternoon she is over tired, fussy, and her mad face comes out :) So, we are working on getting her to have longer rests during the day.
Being silly

She's not a big fan of headbands

Happy mornings
And a little side note this week.... my sister Sandy is 26+ weeks pregnant with her little boy!  She is officially more pregnant than I was with Gabriella. Crazy to think about! She is getting kicked like crazy so I think Gabby and her cousin might be two wild and crazy kids together.  I can not wait!

Thank you, Easter bunny, for my cool shades

Loves her books

Toes are finally starting to touch the ground!
Hope your Wednesdays are going well! 

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