Friday, July 17, 2015

9 months old

Our little pumpkin is 9 months old!

Time is flying....

Month 8 brought us lots of laughs, a baby who can sit, sleeps through the night, a bit more hair, and a new cousin!!  We have had playdates, visits to the library, gone swimming, concerts, and a little girl who knows exactly what she wants. She gives the best smiles and laughs but will let us know in a heartbeat if she doesn't like something. She still may be little but that personality is BIG. And we love it.
Her loves:
-The cat. Not sure the feeling is 100% mutual but Gabriella doesn't seem to care.
-Food. All of it (except broccoli but we'll keep trying)
-Noisy toys, and she'll bang her quiet toys in order for them to become noisy :)
-Water. The tub, the pool, her sippy cup. She loves them all!
-Other kids. She loves other children and babies and we love seeing her interact. She smiles, reaches, sits and "talks" with them and we love it.

Checking out photos of Ben

In the waiting room with Nana and Grampy

Trying to take Ben's balloon

Homemade outfit from Nana T

Relaxing by the pool


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