Thursday, May 26, 2016

Five on Friday!

TGIF! Especially because we've been counting down the days until Gianni gets home. He flies back tomorrow and I can't wait to see how excited Gabriella is to see him. Every morning she runs down the hallway back to our room and bangs on the door, calling for him. We've been able to FaceTime a couple of times but his schedule and the 6 hour time difference is hard. But he'll be back soon! 

1. This weather!
Hello, summer! This week has been HOT. We've been playing outside and enjoying the sunshine. Gabriella is obsessed with everything outside and it's been a lot of fun watching her explore. She loves chipmunks and will pick up the down spout that they love to hide in and yell in it for the "hip-ink". 
Sunscreen has been the biggest challenge- getting Gabriella to stay still and cover every inch of exposed skin is not the easiest task. I don't think they make spray-on that is safe for toddlers so if anyone has any tips or a sunscreen that you love, let me know:) 

2. Play date 
We had a fun play date with some friends this week! Through the library programs we've become friends with 2 other families who also have little girls who are 19-20 months old. They are adorable together! 

3. Smoothies 
I've been on a smoothie kick recently for breakfast and Gabriella loves them as well. Our favorite combo is ice, water, berries, spinach, a small bit of agave nectar, 1/4 avocado, and banana. 
And because she's a toddler, she prefers (aka demands) to drink it from a glass with a straw like Mom. And yes, the glass in the above picture is from a holiday gift set and says "Johnny Walker" on the side. Mom of the year :) 

I also believe in "real life " pictures so here was the scene 2.5 seconds after I took the picture above...

4. Garden love
Our vegetable and herb garden is officially started! There has been a giant rabbit hovering around so I have a feeling we'll be searching Pinterest for ways to keep rabbits away. But for now it's looking good! 

5. Memorial Day 
The official kickoff to summer is first and foremost a day to thank a Veteran for their service and remember those who sacrificed for us. We have an extra special Veteran in our family that we'll be hugging extra hard! 

Have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend! Cheers to the start of summer!! 

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