Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day weekend

This Memorial Day weekend was wonderful! On Saturday morning, Gabriella and I met up with Diane to swing by a yard sale and check out Old Navy's 50% off sale. We were mildly successful at both- I bought Gabriella a Little Tykes t-ball set (because clearly we needed another plastic outdoor toy) but it was only $3 so I grabbed it. 
Bob and Alyssa came into town to visit for the weekend and they came over for a little while to check out some of the baby gear we have and pick up some hand-me-downs. Gabriella obviously doesn't really understand that she'll have a new cousin this fall but we told her a thousand times that Alyssa has a baby in her belly:) 
As fun as shopping with Diane was and seeing Bob and Alyssa was, the absolute highlight of Saturday was Gianni coming home! The driver pulled up around 4:30 or so and Gabriella was more excited than I've ever seen. She had the biggest smile and wouldn't leave Gianni's side all evening. She is such a Daddy's girl!

On Sunday my parents had a lunchtime BBQ and we all went. Sandy, Thierry, and Ben came up as well so it was a full house. It's not that often that everyone was together so we had a blast. Gabriella and Ben enjoyed their baby pool and all the attention they were getting:)

Needless to say, Gabriella slept very well that night!! 

We thought Memorial Day was going to be a wash out but the rain moved out mid morning and our town's parade was still on. Gianni marched with the the volunteer fire department and we are so proud of him! 
After the parade his station hosted a BBQ and it was great to meet other families. Gabriella ran around with some other girls and got to sit in the driver's seat of the fire truck. Basically her day could not have been any better:) 

I hope you had a great weekend as well! 

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