Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Soccer and sitting

Gabriella started soccer this past weekend! It is the cutest and the funniest thing I have seen in awhile. It's for ages 3-5 and the kids are hilarious. She had the best time and spent most of Sunday talking about it. I am loving all of the activities that are available to her now that she is 3; we are really lucky to live in a town where our parks and rec department offers huge variety of sports at a very affordable price. Soccer runs through the fall and then she'll start ice skating lessons!

School has been going really well too. The transition was easier than I thought it would be and she loves going. She comes home singing songs and telling me little tidbits of her day. We had her very first parent teacher conference last night and they said that she's adjusting perfectly!

Elliot is just a few days shy of 6 months and it getting closer and closer to sitting independently. He can hold himself up for a few seconds and several minutes if he's propped up. He gets frustrated on the ground now because you can tell he just wants to move. It will be interesting to see if he's an early stander/walker because he's trying to keep up with his big sister. Elliot's first year is going by so quickly!

As September winds down, we have a 3rd birthday to look forward to and then the start of the holiday season. I love decorating the house for fall through Christmas. October through December is my favorite time of year!

Have a great Tuesday!

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