Tuesday, August 25, 2015

"Dadada" and overnight oatmeal

Gabriella has started saying "Dada"! And she says it all day long. It is adorable when she says it when she looks at Gianni but she also says it everywhere we go.

You can also see in the video that she is so close to crawling!!  Throughout the day she'll get on all fours, start to move her arms and rock back and forth, and then she'll get back to sitting. She has also started to pull up on her toys to a kneeling position so we are certain that standing won't be too far away from crawling!

We are always looking for new recipe ideas and overnight oatmeal is all over Pinterest. I have never made it because I just couldn't imagine it turning out well. But the other night I decided to give it a try, mostly because we have a giant tub of oats and neither of us need more oatmeal cookies :)  Much to my surprise, it was actually really, really good! It's easy to take on the go and  you can eat it right from the fridge (sort of a muesli consistency) or warmed up for about 45 seconds.

Overnight Oatmeal
1/2 cup rolled oats
3/4 cup milk (we used vanilla almond milk, but you can use plain milk, soy, almond, etc.)
Pinch of cinnamon
Sliced/chopped fruit (banana, apples, pears, dried fruit, etc)
Put all of the ingredients in a closed jar in the fridge overnight.

And that's it!! Other recipes suggest adding a scoop of peanut butter and banana or chocolate chips, or adding a little sugar or maple syrup (especially if you use plain milk).
Honestly, if you like oatmeal, give this a try! Gianni is not a huge breakfast person and even he loves it.

One last picture that continues to blow my mind....
The photo on the left is the day we put up her swing...June 1. The photo on the right is from the other day. What a difference a summer makes!!!  When did she get so big???


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Family Vacation

We spent last week at the beach in Rhode Island with my whole family. It was a wonderful week filled with lots of fun and relaxation. The two babies did so well and we made so many memories.

We arrived to the house on Saturday afternoon and spent the afternoon unpacking and getting settled in. We took a walk, grilled for dinner, and crashed early. Sunday was a little "chilly"- mid 70s- so instead of packing up all of the beach stuff, we walked instead and Gabriella put her toes in the sand for the first time!  By the end of the week, she was a true beach babe.

After the beach, we went back to the house and played in the backyard. The house was perfect and Gabriella loved splashing in her little pool. The swim shirt I bought for her came with a hilarious swim cap which she had to wear. I couldn't stop laughing!!

Monday was a perfect beach day and we hit the sand. It took us awhile to figure out exactly what we needed to bring down but each day became easier and faster and by the end of the week, we felt like pros. Gabriella loved the waves and playing in her little beach tent.

Tuesday was a rainy day so we skipped the beach, did some sightseeing and shopping around town, played board games, and played with the babies. Gabriella became very interested in Ben; especially when he was in the moby wrap on Sandy. She loved being held by Sandy so she could touch Ben at the same time!

Wednesday was the last day that Bob and Alyssa were there, so we took some family photos. I love getting a group shot every year; I know it makes my siblings roll their eyes but I love it and will make them go along with it every year. Mom made Gabriella and Ben the cutest matching seersucker rompers and clearly, they stole the show!

Wednesday afternoon, Thursday, and Friday were all beach days and we got in as much sun as we could. The water, sand, and sun led to great naps for Gabriella! She napped every day at the beach in her tent. The tent was perfect and actually stayed cool inside.

The week ended with us celebrating Ben's 1 month and Gabriella's 10 month birthdays.

We were all so sad to see the week end but it was such fun. Having two babies there was a blast and made us all imagine what future years will look like. It blows my mind at how fast times flies... just last year we were in Rhode Island taking guesses on if I was having a boy or girl, this year there were two babies with us and next year both Gabriella and Ben will be over a year old, walking and talking. Wild!!
