Monday, December 14, 2015

Weekend happenings

We had a wonderful weekend that flew by way too quickly but was filled with so much fun! On Friday night, we had a quiet night at home and watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Between the two of us, we probably have seen this movie 2 dozen times but it never gets old. I still laugh at all the classic lines and will continue to watch it every year! The other must-see Christmas movies on our list are Love Actually, Elf, and Christmas with the Kranks. They are all cheesy or fun movies and we love them!

On Saturday, I woke up early and hit some stores and actually got almost all of our Christmas shopping done. We probably have one or two more stops but I am on track to finish by Friday. And then on Saturday night, Gabriella had her first sleepover at my parent's house! We had a date night with friends, stayed out late, had a lot of laughs, and had big plans to sleep in on Sunday morning. And then I woke up at 6:15am and couldn't go back to sleep. So much for the big plans to sleep in, but we still had a relaxing morning and actually enjoyed hot coffee. As we were up, baby-free, before 7am, I realized I have become my mom :)  
Gabriella and her Tia getting ready for an evening Christmas light walk

Gianni made delicious, Christmasy cocktails for us after dinner on Saturday and I have to share his recipe. He looked up recipes for holiday moscow mules (a classic cocktail with vodka and ginger beer) and combined a few to make a really good drink! And it looks pretty too :) 
Gianni's Christmas Moscow Mules
1 ounce (approximately 1 shot glass) of vodka
4 ounces of ginger beer (non-alcoholic, stronger ginger flavor than ginger ale)
2 ounces of cran-raspberry juice
Frozen cranberries or raspberries
Limes wedges
Rosemary sprigs

Pour vodka, ginger beer, and juice over ice. Squeeze lime juice and top with frozen cranberries (or raspberries) and a sprig of rosemary (for Christmasy effect :)) 

We ended the weekend at my sister-in-law's house for her annual gingerbread house making party.  She does such a great job... she, her friend, and my mother-in-law make the houses all from scratch and then invites her friends, their kids, and family over to decorate a house. Gabriella had a blast, crawling after the older kids and we loved watching her play. She had her first taste of cheese pizza and of course, loved it! She also ate a couple of eggplant fries; my kind of girl :)
All the decorations, before the table was ransacked!

Walking with her cousin and her cousin's friend

Chasing the big kids

Checking in on her Nonno

Kicking the ball with her Uncle

Playing under the table with her new friends

Our finished house

 It really was a great weekend! Our Christmas cards finally arrived today so now it's time to address the envelopes and get them sent out! Have a happy Monday!

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