Saturday, January 16, 2016

Five on Friday!

TGIF! Always makes me laugh when I am excited it's Friday but Gabriella is getting more teeth and has been becoming Miss Personality so having Gianni for back up is great!

1.15 months
Our little pumpkin is 15 months old tomorrow! And as sweet as she can be, she can be sassy! At her 12 month well-baby, our pediatrician said that around 15 months old she should understand the word "no".  Next week is her 15 month appointment and let's just say that this week we had to use the word no quite a bit. The other day she snuggled up to me and then bit my shoulder! I said in a nice but firm voice, "no!", and then she looked at me, squealed, and hit me in the mouth. It was sort of funny but I knew I shouldn't laugh so I had to say, no we don't hit Mommy to which she squealed again and then shoved her finger up my nose. Sigh. Needless to say, "no" is a work in progress over here.

I think Gabriella may need her first haircut. Her hair is thin but wildy curly and she's starting to get a bit of a mullet. When she wakes up it's huge and by mid afternoon it's a wild mess. It makes me smile that our bald little baby now has her own detangler spray :)

Speaking of hair products, Diane introduced me to this great spray that cuts down on drying time.... and it actually works!!
3.Resolutions... more girls nights
Last night I went out to dinner with a dear friend and we had so much fun. The hubbys handled bedtime routines and we had a great meal and great conversation. And the guys (who have had a plethora of guys nights recently) only playfully texted a few times :)

4.One year later
 Saturday is the one year anniversary of bringing Gabriella home. Bringing her home was the best, scariest, most wonderful day ever. I will never forget the very first night home with her; we fed her, changed her, swaddled her up, and put her in her bassinet next to us. We were thinking this was a piece of cake, turned off the lights to say good night only to have her start screaming louder than we had ever heard! We immediately threw the lights on and she stopped crying and gave a tiny little smile. We hadn't thought about how after 3 months in the NICU, she had never been in the quiet or the dark! Since that night, she hasn't stopped letting us know exactly what she wants :) Thinking back over this past year, I have learned so much. We learned how to give her medications, soothe her when her reflux was at it's worst, how to go with the flow and put the rigid NICU schedule behind us, and most importantly, how to trust my instincts as a mom. I can't believe how lucky we are. I don't remember life with out her. Happy coming-home anniversary pumpkin!
5.Disney on Ice
We are celebrating this weekend by going to Disney on Ice! Some of our great friends invited us to go with them and their 16 month old to our friend's company's box. It will be hilarious to see our girls at their first show! I'll be sure to take lots of pictures!

Have a wonderful weekend!!


  1. Hi Mary,

    I just happened to find your blog via the Five on Friday link up and I'm so thankful I did. Your #4 made me cry and laugh because I could literally read it out to my husband and he'd think it was a post I'd written about bringing our daughter Olivia home from the NICU. She spent 35 days there and the nurses always commented about how well she slept - I saw it myself those 8 hours a day I was there. Our first night home was NYE last year and we, like you, turned the lights off with her swaddled in her bed thinking 'this is going to be a piece of cake!'...she screamed bloody murder the entire night. Oh, and the preemie grunts. GAH! Worst nights sleep of our entire life, we took shifts holding her as it was the only way she'd sleep! Haha!

    Oh, the memories.

    1. The things that only preemie moms and dads can understand :) The grunts!!! So happy your little one is home safe and sound too!

  2. LOL! It's soooo hard not to laugh when your kiddo does something like that! Your daughter is beautiful and I'm loving your blog! I'll be following for sure. I hope you had fun at Disney on Ice! :)

    1. Aww thank you :) Disney on Ice was actually really good! I couldn't believe we made it through the whole show but it kept her attention!
