Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Toddler Valentine's Day craft

On Friday I mentioned that I was going to try out some Pinterest-inspired toddler crafts for Valentine's Day. Pinterest makes everything look like a piece of cake but let's be honest, is anything with a 1 year old a piece of cake? No. While Gabriella's art looks nothing like the model babies on Pinterest, her cards are funny and will still be sent out to some lucky Valentines :)

This is what Pinterest makes it look like....

toddler valentines day craft... oh yeah like i could get kalliope to cooperate to do this 
The reality is that this is a super simple craft. You take a toilet paper roll, fold it to make it look like a heart, tape it up, and begin stamping.

 We were off to a good start. It took her about 5 seconds to realize the thing she was holding had paint on it and about 30 seconds to get a few good hearts on her first card. 30 seconds in and she was basically a Pinterest baby model.
We could have ended it here but I was reallyyyy hoping to get more than 30 seconds of craft time (aka coffee drinking time) in and I figured we should make cards for grandparents, aunts, and uncles so we kept going. Here's what Pinterest doesn't say... after 30 seconds the toilet paper roll will be thrown on the floor and finger painting will start. So the first card looks like this....
and every other card looks something like this...
The kitchen looked like a crime scene but the baby was happy, albeit covered in red paint, and this mom got to have two cups of coffee. All in all it was a winner :)

Happy Tuesday :)

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