Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Weekend happenings

Disney on Ice was a success! I was not sure what to expect bringing a 15 month old to a show. Actually let's be honest; I was nearly 100% sure that we would last 20 minutes and those 20 minutes would be spent wrestling a wiggly girl until she had a meltdown. But to my surprise, she was great and was actually really into the show! The music, bright lights, and dancing characters kept her attention and we were able to stay for the whole show. The only thing that I didn't think of was that because it was a show on ice, the arena was really cold. It wasn't too cold outside on Saturday, just rainy, so I had put Gabriella in her raincoat, not her winter coat. Luckily I happened to have a sweatshirt in our diaper bag so she was warm enough (the bouncing around to the music helped as well :))

Gabriella's afternoon nap was sort of nonexistent after so she was ready for bed early that night. We got take out and decided to watch The Martian with Matt Damon. I knew he had won an award for the role but neither of us were dying to see it because we had assumed it was going to be a lot like Gravity. We were completely wrong! Besides the obvious of being alone in space, the movies are completely different. The Martian was funny as well as exciting. We both agreed it was really , really  good; one of those movies where you feel like the actors are portraying the way people would act and react to situations in real life (unlike most all Nicholas Sparks books/movies... I mean, come on, how many times in your life have you run through the pouring rain to your soulmate? ;)) But seriously, it's a good movie; two thumbs up from us!

Speaking of books, one of my goals was to start reading again and I am happy to say I read my first book of 2016! I'm not going to pretend it was anything intense AT ALL; it was The Rumor by Elin Hilderbrand. She's a fun author, all of her books take place on Nantucket, they are light, romantic comedy type novels, but not overly cheesy (see above reference to Nicholas Sparks :)) It was the perfect book to get back into the swing of reading.

And some cute baby pics for your Tuesday :)
DJ Gabby Z

Pulling all the hats and mittens out

Looking mischievous

"Playing" with the cat... seriously the cat is a good sport

Bossing the cat around
Hope your week is going well! Looks like we are finally going to get some snow this weekend!! Thank goodness for Amazon; baby sized snow boots are arriving on Friday!


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