1. Book love
I have been wanting to read this book for a while and was so excited to find it in our library this week! It has received great reviews and I can't wait to get started. I will definitely let you know what I think once I get done!
2. Necklaces
Gabriella is getting some new teeth in and has been a bit of a pistol! She is past all the chew toys that helped when she got her first teeth in, so I decided to use some wooden beads and make her a necklace. She loves accessories these days (you'd think I am talking about a 12 year old) and will constantly grab at anyone else wearing a necklace so I figured it was worth a try to see if she would like one for herself. She loves it! She chews on it a little bit, but for the most part she just loves wearing it. It was easy to make so I may put a few in my etsy shop!
3. Spoons and forks
I mentioned the other day that we were working on introducing Gabriella to spoons and forks. Just this week she decided that she loves her spoon and fork and wants to use them always. She sort of haphazardly stabs around her tray or bowl until she get something and then will eat. And as you can see some of it gets in her mouth :) What can I say, we are a work in progress!
4. Free photos
I love free stuff :) Download the shutterfly app for your phone and they are currently running a promotion on free, unlimited 4x4 or 4x6 photos. All you pay for shipping!
5. Muffins
This week I made some cinnamon muffins during naptime and halfway through mixing the ingredients, I realized we were out of eggs. I grabbed one of Gabriella's puréed apple pouches and used that instead. They turned out really really good! In fact I think I'm going to try them again, this time using different flavors of pouches. I'll let you know how they turn out!!
Today our library is having a baby and toddler reading and music class at a local nursing home so the residents can read to the babies. We are going and I am sure it is going to be adorable!
Have a great weekend!!
Have fun
Love that necklace! Greta is into accessories too. Esty shop link??