Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Weekend recap

We have had so many busy but fun filled weekends recently and this past weekend was no exception. On Saturday our Church hosted an Easter party for children so I brought Mom along for the fun :) It was incredibly cute- the youth group had craft tables and games while the women's club served coffee and breakfast. 
And because no Easter party is complete without a giant bunny and some eggs, the Easter bunny showed up. Honestly, I find the Easter bunny to be sort of creepy (I mean, a giant man-sized rabbit??) but Gabriella was bound and determined to meet that bunny. She didn't scream but she crept away after a minute:) 

On Sunday we spent the day in lower Connecticut for Ben's dedication. Sandy and Thierry's Church is a Congressional Church that does Baptism once the child has an understanding of the Church and instead does a dedication service for infants. It was sweet and special and Ben looked as dapper as ever in his white suit! He is just the chubbiest and most cuddly baby. 
As always, it was wonderful to have everyone together to celebrate a sweet baby. Now it's on to Easter planning!! 


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