Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Easter 2016

This Easter was our best yet. While last year was special because it was Gabriella's first, having her get so excited over the baskets and hidden eggs was so much more fun!
The fun started on Friday when Gabriella went over to her Auntie Rachel's to dye some eggs with her cousins. She loves going over there so adding in messy egg dying only made her happier :) That afternoon we brought her to get her first haircut!! She didn't have long hair but it needed to be cleaned up and I didn't trust myself to do it. Local friends: my cousin Sarah recommend Karen from Kids Kutz in town and she is amazing!! So patient and sweet and super affordable. 
Both Nanas were scared all of her curls were going to disappear, but they did not and she looks so adorable!! 

On Saturday Sandy, Thierry and Ben came into town and as always, had a great time visiting! We had dinner at my parent's and dyed more eggs. Although I noticed that the guys disappeared to hit golf balls, grandparents disappeared to play with Gabriella and Ben, so the ones dying 90% of the eggs were Diane, Sandy, and I :) It's all good though, we had a blast and lots of laughs! 

The weather was gorgeous for Easter Sunday. March Easters tend to be cold and dreary but this year was an exception and was sunny which made the 55 degrees seem warmer. Better than hunting for eggs in the snow! Gabriella was up early and was very excited to see her Easter basket. The bunny was practical this year, bringing snacks, new Easter shoes, a book, magnetic letters, and eggs that make noise when you shake them (a favorite from her music class!). 

We went to Church at 8 and Gabriella saw a few of her friends from the library so being there not only with our family but some friends definitely put Church on her top places to visit :) She was getting a little antsy during a long homily so I had her out in the lobby where she was toddling around with other little kids and then she made eye contact through the glass doors with a little girl she has played with before named Sophia. She's a little older than Gabriella so all of a sudden, I hear "There's Gabriella!!!!" and next thing I know, Sophia and her dad are in the lobby too. It was really cute and funny.

After Mass, we hosted brunch for both sides of our family at our house. We keep it simple and buffet style which was relaxing and fun. I didn't take as many pictures as I had hoped (how did I not get any of Gabriella and Ben together???) but the few I did take are nice. We had an egg hunt in our yard and Gabriella didn't even know that there was candy in the eggs- she just liked collecting all the eggs in her basket!

It was a wonderful day with friends and family!

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