Gabriella has been followed by a pediatric ophthalmologist since birth and after seeing him last year, the plan was that we would come back when she turned 3, unless we noticed any changes. Over the past few months, we started to notice that her eye would drift a little, especially when she's tired. We also noticed that she squints on occasion . So our pediatrician recommended that we go sooner than later just to be safe.
Gabriella did so well at her appointment. She was happy, let them dilate her eyes, and was so cooperative. They looked for a bunch of things and at the end of the appointment decided that she does not need glasses right now but definitely uses her right eye more than her left. We are going back in 4 months and if her left eye muscles are still weaker, they'll have us use an eye patch a couple of times a day to push those muscles to strengthen.
As always, we are so thankful that she is doing well and that these little things that come up are just that, little. Everything on the news this week has been heartbreaking and certainly makes us hug our girl a little tighter.
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