Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Toddler Life

I'm not exactly sure when our lives with a baby ended and life with a toddler started but we most certainly are in the midst of toddlerhood. Some things are more challenging (the timeouts, the tantrums, the constant "no no no") but in my opinion, this season of parenting is so great. We laugh every day and watching Gabriella learn new things and figure things out is simply fun. 

She climbs everywhere and we are crossing our fingers that she stays in her crib for as long as possible. She is a little daredevil with many things and gives me a small heart attack at least once a day. She can be cautious as well though and will study some situations and places before diving in. 

Today she decided to put on a fairy princess costume and kept it on all morning. The neighbors got a kick out of seeing her run around the yard :) 

She's a silly one for sure!! 

Happy Wednesday :)

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